
Restinga do Lobito Beach Replenishment

Between September and December 2011 DRAIMAR replenished 2km of beaches along the end of Restinga do Lobito which had undergone severe and sudden erosion due to heavy sea conditions.

The TSHD Cazanga which has a long term programme of performing various dredging and reclamation works along the coast of Angola was made available on an emergency basis and was quickly mobilised to Lobito from Luanda for these works. Working jointly with the government of Angola and Odebrecht S.A., sand was sourced along the coastline of Lobito and Benguela and transported over 20km to site where it was discharged ashore using the 'rainbowing' technique commonly used by DRAIMAR in reclamation projects.

New breakwaters formed of large rocks and boulders were constructed as part of this project to reduce the rate of possible future erosion along the coastline.

DRAIMAR's survey and engineering departments used hydrographic modelling, sand sampling and current meters to assist the engineering studies involved in the works.

All earthworks for the project were performed in-house by DRAIMAR. By stockpiling sand from the existing beaches and then subsequently levelling the material as a top surface at the end of the reclamation works, the landscaping of the area allowed the replenished beaches to tie in to the surrounding beaches.

Draimar, © 2025